Kahoon Projects

Kahoon Projects II/II: Word of Mouth

Organised and Curated by

Alex Bickley Trott (Oxford Brookes) and Roland Fischer-Vousden (SET)

KAHOON II/II: Word of Mouth, was presented by Oxford Brookes University and SET, and was the second round of Kahoon Projects, a discursive platform that examines working-class identity in the 21st century through contemporary art practice. Kahoon Projects consists of a series of collaborative, interdisciplinary residencies in which, for one month, two artists are paired to develop a conversation and create new work about the nuances of social class. Word of Mouth is the product of the second conversation with artists Morgan Tipping and Mitchell Vowles.


Exhibition open: 6 – 26 July 2019, Tuesday-Sunday 12-6pm Artists Public Talk: Wednesday 17 July, @ The Peckham Pelican, 7-9pm

Word of Mouth featured two new films by artists Morgan Tipping and Mitchell Vowles. Whether staged or collaged on an elastic timeline, both films evoke counter-cultural space and attitude. Mitchell VowlesIt’s still banging in 2019 excavates online representations of youth cultures to document how a romance of the future is replaced by a romance of the past. Manoeuvres by Morgan Tipping explores contemporary experiences of working culture through a roaming atmospheric landscape. Referencing the Kinks song and lyrics, Word of Mouth invites you to question ‘who are they to say the things they do?’

Special thanks to Louis Castle and Elliott (of Modified Mercs), Robbie Eatwell, Harry Bix, Josh Field, Joe Davies, Hazel Brill, Miki Holloway, Joe Bickley Trott, Oli East, Reuben Kyriakides and The Electric Womb.